Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Keegan's 1st Friend Birthday Parties

Over the last couple of weeks Keegan has attended three 1st birthday parties for his friends Makayla, Jackson, and Noah. He had lots of fun, even though in all photos he does not appear to be having fun. We are so lucky to have so many little friends for Keegan. There are several more little boys with birthdays within 3 months before or after Keegan's. 1st birthdays are fun because the 1 year old has no idea what's going on except that all eyes are on them and they are encouraged to dive into SUGAR and make a huge MESS. I can't wait for Keegan's 1st birthday. (Oh wait, I can because I don't want him to grow up yet.)

1 comment:

Martin Family said...

Look at you making so many friends. WE miss you.