Monday, March 17, 2008

A Sad, Sad Day for American Education

My friend Em posted this a few weeks ago and I have to say DIDO! I couldn't pass up the opportunity to pass this on to you. Oh my gosh! Are we really that dumb nowadays? Please! Enjoy this little clip...

Are you frickin' kidding me?!?!?!?! It makes you wonder how some people survive in this world. She may be able to sing, but hopefully she isn't reproducing or voting!

(This is Kelly Pickler--a finalist from American Idol who is now a country singer. To be honest, I had no idea who she was until I watched this. I had to look her up on wiki.)


Dallas and Abi Makin said...
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Dallas and Abi Makin said...

Holly cow!!! the whole time I was watching the video I was wondering if she was kidding or putting up a show.. seriously.. that was really bad!! hahaha it made me laugh so hard at the same time though..

Pepper Lovin! said...

kind of scary isn't it.

africa said...

I thought it was funny that she kept going even after she knew she was wrong.

Dramatic Imaging said...

Hey congrats! I just read about your news! I am coming to town in April I believe. It looks like you either have a good photographer around or you are doing a great job yourself, but if you need me I am scheduling a bunch of people for the week I am there.

nikki said...

How can anyone be that stupid? Honestly? How did she even graduate and how does she look at herself in the mirror every day?