Tuesday, April 8, 2008


OK, I have been tagged by one of my cousins. It's taken me a while to do it but here it goes.

The rules:

A. The rules of the game are posted at the beginning of the blog.
B. Each player lists 6 facts/habits about themselves.
C. At the end of the post, the player then tags 6 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves them a comment, letting them know that they have been tagged and asking them to read your blog.

Here are six facts about myself: :)

1. I have a fear of monkeys since I was bitten by a monkey in Ghana, West Africa while I was there doing research on Buruli ulcer. I had to get a tetanus shot and undergo rabies treatment which I would not recommend to anyone. The monkey looked cute until it started hissing and showing it's fangs. It took 2 men over 6 ft 4 in to pull the monkey off of me and then it still kept leaping at me with it's mouth agape and trying to grab at me. I now enjoy monkeys from afar and get a little anxiety when one gets close to me.

2. I have a little bit of a hearing problem I think. In high school some of my friends called me "Belltones" (you know like the hearing aids) because I would frequently hear things wrong or not hear them at all. This problem has actually led to some comical stories. My roommates and I used to live in a house while I was going to BYU called the "Honey Doobie Ranch". It was so named because one night during a sleepover my friends were excitedly talking about something or somewhere called a "Honey Doobie". I kept listening to the conversation to try and figure out what in the world or where in the world that was. I was so confused! Finally I sat up in the dark in the middle of the night and exclaimed, "What in the heck is a Honey Doobie?!" My friends looked at me like I had 8 heads and then started cracking up. I was then informed they had been saying "Huntington Beach" the whole time. We all thought it was so funny that when we moved in to a house on 600 North in Provo the following summer they named it the "Honey Doobie Ranch" in my honor. It was a very popular house so the name must've been good.

3. I get some of my best work done on the phone. If I'm on the phone visiting for more than 5 minutes you can guarantee I'm folding laundry, making my bed, sweeping, mopping, cleaning the bathroom, or something. I can't just sit and chat on the phone. I'm too antsy. So please, call me to visit so I can clean my house!

4. I want to be a great photographer. I love photography and value my photos above most of my material possessions. If I could take a photography class right now I would. I need lots of practice but really enjoy a fun day with my camera.

5. I LOVE to travel. Most days at least some of the time is spent daydreaming about where I want to travel next or reminiscing about a fun trip. I absolutely love getting away with Andy and friends or family and just having fun exploring somewhere new. It really refreshes me to go away for a while and then come back home. I want to travel everywhere in the world before I die and see every corner of the earth. I'm definitely not a "home-body". My favorite trip so far was to Thailand with Andy two summers ago. I constantly daydream about going back with our kids!

6. I don't like it when my clothes are wet or if I have a wet swimsuit under a cover up. I can't stand it! When I get out of the water I want dry clothes on. One of the most irritating things for me is to drive in a car with a damp swimsuit on or if liquid gets spilled on my clothes. Call me weird, but that just bugs me!

I don't know if anyone will find this tag interesting, but I love reading when others get tagged.

Now I am tagging 6 people who are: Krissy, Sonya, Kim Lowe, Michelle, Eliza, and Sarah

1 comment:

nikki said...

What's great is that I think I knew all of these things about you :) makes it seem not so bad that I don't get to see you as much.