Tuesday, May 27, 2008

A Good Visit

Well, Keegan and I just got back from a good visit in Arizona a few days ago. We went for Jason's wedding and then stayed until my baby brother Sean's high school graduation. We got to see Papa Stan Turley (who Keegan is named after), and go to Tucson to see Andy's brother Alex & Kim and their kids, and then I even saw my best friend from high school Michelle after WAY too long! I feel like we've been out of touch with almost everyone for about a month since we went to Oregon and Arizona but now we're getting home and back to normal. We had so much fun seeing family and friends and just taking a break from our usual routine. Sean's graduation was unforgettable but it deserves its own entry so that's to come!

We got to see Papa twice while we were in Gilbert which was a real treat. Keegan loves to sit on his lap while he sings "Jesus knows all about my troubles..." in his ear. We are so blessed to have so many good grandparents and Papa is definitely someone to look up to. He's such a good man and great example of living the gospel. He is practical and down to earth and has a good sense of humor too. I always love hearing the stories he shares. This trip we learned that he lost his eye at a Father and Sons campout. Someone threw a bullet casing in the fire and he was about 20 feet away. That bullet exploded and flew 20 feet and hit him right in the middle of the eye! Talk about bad luck! I knew he'd lost his eye when a bullet had flown out of a fire but never knew it was at a church campout. Be careful all you boys at your campouts!

In Tucson we had a great time as well. Keegan loved cousins Braeden and Bryan. He was also fascinated by Pixie, the devon rex cat, who I forgot to get a photo of. Our house is so quiet and boring compared to having cousins to play with! We went to the Tucson Zoo with Kim and Bryan. It was hot out but there's tons of shade so we weren't too hot. The best part was that the animals were hot so they were all swimming and playing right in front of us. I've never seen a tiger or polar bear so close at a zoo before! The tiger jumped in his pool right in front of us and the polar bear was swimming laps and doing little "jumps" right in front of us too. The Tucson Zoo is great for getting up close to animals. There were also peacocks roaming the grounds and calling to each other. If anyone's heard their screech they know it's loud and could be scary at night. Keegan loved it and when they stopped screeching he tried to imitate their call. I got a kick out of that. We also had delicious salads at a place called Chopped that I would highly recommend! Anyway, we had a lot of fun in Tucson. Thanks Alex & Kim for having us!

I also finally saw my best bud Michelle after years - I know - pathetic! We have babies that are 1 day apart: Keegan and Emily were born 1 day apart. It was great to see her house and meet Spencer and Emily. They are adorable and have the biggest blue eyes! Keegan loved playing with them, especially in their pool of balls. I'm seriously going to have to get one of those. Thanks Michelle for the great idea! We spent a whole afternoon catching up on life and our families. Michelle has been such a true friend since Junior High and I couldn't ask to have had a better buddy growing up. I really miss living close by her. It's fun to see friends after such a long time and pick up and visit like normal. That's when you know you have a good friendship I think. Now I am going to try and be a better friend in the future and not let it be so long between visits.

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