Thursday, June 19, 2008

Best New Buy

OK - Here is the best thing we've bought for Keegan in a while.  For a mere $20 at Wal-Mart or Toys'R'Us you too can have this little beauty.  Andy put in this swing and Keegan loves it!  As you can see, he is thoroughly enjoying himself.  When we have to take him inside he cries because he wants to keep swinging.  It's especially fun to blow bubbles while he's in there and he can swing through them.  Anyway, I think this purchase is definitely worth it.  The only problem is it's so darn hot and humid in Texas that we can't stay outside all day.  


Kim said...

I couldn't agree more. We have that same swing and it's gotten so much use, mostly by Bryan, but also by his buddies when they come over. The look on Keegan's face says it all--pure enjoyment. He's so absolutely adorable!

Larry and Cindy said...

HI Lowe Family. . .If you are's Cindy Taylor here, I was your name on Amanda's list of blogging friends. Your little Keegan is so super cute!!! He looks like he is an angel in that swing...I wish they would make one of those in my size because it looks so fun. As for blowing bubbles that is my all time favorite thing to do. We miss you guys!!! I thought you were in Arizona but now I discover it is
Texas, have you picked up the accent yet??? Well if ya'll are wondering why I am blogging so late it's because I have been really sick with a bad cough and now I got sinus infection and lyringitis so this afternoon (well I guess it was yesterday now) I took a 4 hour nap and now I can't sleep. . .Oh well...have you heard that new country song "I Can Sleep When I'm Dead" Love Ya'll, Cindy