Last night we watched this movie. I've wanted to watch it for a long time and we finally got around to it. This is about the Lost Boys in Sudan. We found it thought provoking and eye opening. It also reminded me of my time in Ghana a lot. The people and landscape are very similar.
The name of the movie comes from something one of the Lost Boys said during the documentary which will pull on your heartstrings. These poor boys went through unthinkable hardship and yet they come out smiling.
If you watch this, pay attention to the part about christmas. John has questions about christmas that are so childlike yet so pertinent. He is a spiritual man and very familiar with the Bible. During his first christmas in America he says, "What are these christmas trees? Are they in the Bible? They are kind of nice, but what is the purpose of these?" Then he says, "Who is this Santa Clause? Is he in the Bible? In Sudan christmas is a celebration of Jesus Christ." It was eye opening to me that a foreigner experiencing his first christmas in America could not see that our christmas is also a celebration of Jesus Christ. Something to think about...
This movie would be great to show to any teenager who needs a dose of reality and to see how truly privileged they are - or any adult who needs that too!
saw it too...loved it.
We watched this a couple months back and loved it as well.
Looking for former classmate, Krista Lowe Schimmelbusch. I live in Portland and from your blog, looks like she does too! Pls. forward my email addy to her. Thanks!
Janet Smith Justiniano
Hope you get this!
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