Wednesday, November 11, 2009

What we've been up to

It has been one crazy fall and I am not really sure where to begin. I think I'll start with the big event that kicked off our fall...

Andy's Graduation!
All the hard work finally materialized into a walk across the stage to receive his
DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC degree. Hip, Hip Hooray! I have never been so happy to attend a graduation in my life. We are so proud of him!!!! We had lots of family (and Loren) come for graduation and to help us pack up the moving truck. We literally couldn't have done it without them - especially Loren who may have single-handedly loaded a whole moving truck. Thanks everyone!

Next we packed up our house and moved from Lewisville, Texas to Temecula, California. Saying goodbye to our home was so much harder than we thought it would be. We had our 2 boys in that home so there are a lot of precious memories within those walls. The move was a 3 day drive for Andy, his brother Aaron and our beloved furry friends Champ and Lille. Luckily I was able to catch a flight with the kids and meet Andy on the other end of the move. I think Andy and Aaron enjoyed the adventure and using walkie talkies for 3 days - except for the mosquito lake near a motel where they, and the dogs, were practically eaten alive by mosquitoes! The muggy humidity of Texas is something we will not miss. I have never seen so many bites before in my life. Andy's brothers Aaron and Patrick, Woan (Patrick's adorable girlfriend), Paul Downs and some friends and people from church helped unload our stuff in under an hour. It was crazy! We have been slowly getting settled.

Aaron, Patrick, and Woan stayed for a few days and we managed to squeeze in a trip to Moonlight Beach. We had a great time boogie boarding. Keegan played in the water until he was freezing and then he chased seagulls all over the place. Graham played in the sand and ate the sand until he was totally pooped out. Here's a picture of Graham conked out on a towel.

It's late and time for bed. I'll have to continue posting later...

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