Sunday, March 21, 2010

The Leprechauns Came!

On St. Patrick's Day we all awoke to green noses and tricks that the leprechauns left for us! In Andrew's family the leprechauns come every St. Patrick's Day and make messes and play tricks on everyone. Then they dye your nose green while you are sleeping and leave you a "Cup O Gold" chocolate cup. This year they found us in Temecula. They scattered green jelly beans all over the house, wrote on the mirror with shaving cream, made a mess, dyed our noses green, and left a Cup O Gold for Keegan and Graham. Keegan was a little disturbed when he woke up and saw his green nose in our mirrored closet door. But he liked the leprechauns playing tricks on us. Graham was quite amused to wake up and see everyone with a green nose. I can't wait to see what they do next year.


Melanie said...

soo cute April! ... I mean Leprechauns... :)

Rachel and Todd said...

What a cute family. The boys almost look like twins in the last one!

Tiffany Downs said...

nice hair. . .Andy!