Sunday, March 21, 2010

Matthew and Tina

This month we got a visit from Matthew and Tina Anthon. They came to visit from St. Louis, Missouri. We saw Matthew in Dallas last year but hadn't seen Tina in about 5 years. Way too long! We had planned to visit them in St. Louis while we lived in Dallas but something happened every time we had a break from school, including the transmission going out on the car and taking nearly 3 weeks to repair. Andrew and Matthew met at the 7-11 on 5th North and University in Provo, Utah back in their BYU days and have been friends ever since. They have said over the years that it would be fun to be related but there was never an opportunity to make that happen. Now we get to be family!

When Matthew came to Dallas in November of 2008 we schemed about getting Tina's little sister Woan to hang out with Andy's little brother Patrick to "exchange music" - no pressure. They both liked cool music, spoke Chinese, and were just all around awesome. Well now a little over a year later they are engaged! Patrick and Woan will be getting married August 14, 2010. Now we know that the three of us can't take all the credit, but we would like to think that we had a small hand in getting the happy couple together.

Anyway, I digress. It was fun to have Matthew and Tina here and to catch up. We drove down to the beach, saw the San Diego Temple, shopped a little, and made chocolate molten cakes. It was a short, sweet visit. There's never enough time to spend with good friends!

PSST - I am also excited about something Tina will be doing for work. Tina is a clothing designer (hello Project Runway - that's what here schooling was like!) and has worked for the May company among other places. Right now she works for Geranium, a really cool jewelry company. Her current company is going to launch a modest clothing line and Tina gets to design it! When things come to fruition I will let all of you in on the details so you can get some modest clothes that are also cool and don't have to be layered with 10 undershirts, etc. With Tina's sense of style they are sure to be modest clothes that I actually want to wear.

1 comment:

Rachel and Todd said...

These are great photographs, and we were thrilled to find out via your blog about Patrick's engagement! What a fun connection your family now has.